Showing posts with label BADBOYSGANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BADBOYSGANG. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

Meno Over The Knee


It's time for Meno to be punished and in a change to his usual floggings, he finds himself going over the knee. 

He gets some good swats with the paddle and some with a heavy hand. 

The way he squirms around you just know he is feeling every single swat. 

A great session with Meno

Meno Over The Knee 


Discipline does Matter, Meno.  

Meno has been with us for a good little while now and his antics has not changed. Seemingly Meno needs a good dose of an old fashioned ass whoppen. Today, our boy Meno has reached the limit and had gotten a trip over the disciplanarian's knee. 

Meno be one of my favorites, but that does not exclude him from an old-fashioned spanking. This reminds me of when Gym-Boy had to take a trip across the knee. Meno will learn the discipline does matter and its just not the cane or birch that can do justice but the hand is mighty too. 

I admit and submit to the thought of Meno being a good boy at times, but when he smiles and his eyes squinch and he gives you that side look, you just know he is up to something. I can also see that Meno doesn't prefer to be spanked or beaten, so all his reactions are authentic and well felt, 

My brown sugar boy, Meno, you have a lot more coming to you  and I know that you know , that is true. Yes, my boy is tall and slinder with a cute little chest and thin thighs and thick boned hips, but a cute and adorable booty, ( as you will see the disciplanarian couldn't help but to keep gripping) with long legs and sexy little feet. Meno, Brown Sugar Boy is one who needs direct and firm discipline, When you all purchase this video, you will see at the end, from his own adorable lips; the need for discipline, because Discipline really does Matter. 

Happy One Year Anniverary, Meno! 

May 0f 2023 Meno made his first apperance of BBFC - Jason Caught

Jamie Suspended


Jamie is a lad that's really into his punishments, he always has a hard dick to show it. 

So this time he is getting something new and more challenging to see where we go. 

Suspended by the arms and legs - legs open of course - he gets a great flogging. 

The top of his legs get some great stripes and the shots to his junk check that he is still in the zone.

 It's a great session and you have to like his cheeky smile at the end with a cane in hand and his dick standing hard.

Jamie Suspended

Bad Boys Gang

Friday, May 24, 2024

Adan Leather Flogger


Adan looks a bit apprehensive this time and as he undresses we see why, he is definitely a bit horny. 

The leather flogger lands on his chest and belly with great resounding thwacks and he is soon starting to wriggle around. 

Being suspended he has little choice in taking all that comes his way. 

But in the end, he cannot help but pull his meat and show his enjoyment. Adan is coming along well, let's see where we can take him next time. 

Antwi - Tighty Whitey Wednesday