Showing posts with label Spanking French. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanking French. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2022


Un retard, des mensonges, des promesses.... on arrive à une conversation animée...

Being late, a lie, and a spanking occurs.


Un retard, des mensonges, des promesses.... on arrive à une conversation animée...

Being late, a lie, and a spanking occurs.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

(La fessée imprévue )The unexpected spanking

Convaincre son copain de rester manger pour éviter de se faire disputer c’est bien sauf si celui-ci pensait aussi la même chose en ce qui le concerne. 

Nos deux garçons vont apprendre qu’une fessée peut en cacher une autre.

Convincing your boyfriend to stay for dinner in order to avoid being scolded is OK unless the other one thought the same thing. 

Our two boys will learn that a spanking can hide another.

Friday, March 11, 2022

The Tyrant

Betraying the Duke of the Clef, nicknamed the Leper because of the mask 
that hides his face, is not a good idea. 

A baron will find out through the Duke's 

 Arrested by the Count, while the storm is breaking, 

he will be  corrected before he gets to know the dungeons of the castle. 


Antwi - Tighty Whitey Wednesday