Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tighty Whitey Wednesday



“Mateo rebels against the punishment he's receiving for lying while going to the beach. 

 He is put into a wheelbarrow position to continue his punishment until he learns and is dominated

Mateo se revela contra el castigo que está recibiendo por mentir mientras se iba a la playa. 

Es puesto en posición carretilla para seguir su castigo hasta que aprende y es dominado

#西班牙男生 #拉丁 #体罚 #打屁股 #男男打屁股 #羞耻 #屁眼 #盛夏 #海滩 #后庭 #膝上 #车轮式"


“Mateo rebels against the punishment he's receiving for lying while going to the beach. 

 He is put into a wheelbarrow position to continue his punishment until he learns and is dominated

Mateo se revela contra el castigo que está recibiendo por mentir mientras se iba a la playa. 

Es puesto en posición carretilla para seguir su castigo hasta que aprende y es dominado

#西班牙男生 #拉丁 #体罚 #打屁股 #男男打屁股 #羞耻 #屁眼 #盛夏 #海滩 #后庭 #膝上 #车轮式"

Dustin in Baseball Gear

Dustin is a 23-year-old straight USMC infantry man. 
He shot his first-ever videos with us a couple of years ago. 

His wife sent him to the his first shoot and hadn’t even given him details of the video he would be doing. 

She arranged the whole thing, and her only requirement was that no woman could be...

He moved back east and ended up shooting with ReluctantYoungMen. 

He was visiting town, so it was time to reshoot him.

Dustin Cross Vital Stats:

Age: 20

Fun Fact: His wife is the one who arranged for Tom to spank him on video
Dustin is a 20-year-old straight Marine. His wife arranged for him to do videos with us without telling him what he would do. Her only requirement was that there not be any women in the videos. No problem there!

Dustin in Baseball Gear

Dustin is a 23-year-old straight USMC infantry man. 
He shot his first-ever videos with us a couple of years ago. 

His wife sent him to the his first shoot and hadn’t even given him details of the video he would be doing. 

She arranged the whole thing, and her only requirement was that no woman could be...

He moved back east and ended up shooting with ReluctantYoungMen. 

He was visiting town, so it was time to reshoot him.

Dustin Cross Vital Stats:

Age: 20

Fun Fact: His wife is the one who arranged for Tom to spank him on video
Dustin is a 20-year-old straight Marine. His wife arranged for him to do videos with us without telling him what he would do. Her only requirement was that there not be any women in the videos. No problem there!

Meno Maintenance

  All lads need a maintenance spanking from time to time and Meno is no different.  Its been a while since he showed up and of course he has...