Monday, July 4, 2022

Spanking Art

Spanking Art

These pictures were sent to me this morning from a spanko friend of mine. 

I was unsure if I wanted to post these, but I figured I would for those who like to go down memory lane or street of domestic discipline in homes in the early days.

If anyone has any spanking Art that you wanted posted.  Send them with descriptions and any links you want attached  to: 

Spanking Art

Spanking Art

These pictures were sent to me this morning from a spanko friend of mine. 

I was unsure if I wanted to post these, but I figured I would for those who like to go down memory lane or street of domestic discipline in homes in the early days.

If anyone has any spanking Art that you wanted posted.  Send them with descriptions and any links you want attached  to: 

Sunday, July 3, 2022


Setting the table, and especially washing the dishes are two verbs that do not enthuse our friend Karim to the point of receiving a spanking for disobedience

but also by a guest who tries, for having witnessed it, to spank him to encourage Karim.

But does Justin have the right to spank?

He will have the answer by finding himself in turn across the knees then to taste the belt. 

Mettre la table, et surtout laver la vaisselle sont deux verbes qui n’enthousiasme pas notre ami Karim au point de recevoir une fessée pour désobéissance mais aussi par un invité qui tente,

pour en avoir été le témoin, de le fesser pour encourager Karim.

 Mais Justin a le droit de fesser ? Il aura la réponse en se trouvant à son tour en travers des genoux puis de gouter à la ceinture. 


French Male Spanking 


Setting the table, and especially washing the dishes are two verbs that do not enthuse our friend Karim to the point of receiving a spanking for disobedience

but also by a guest who tries, for having witnessed it, to spank him to encourage Karim.

But does Justin have the right to spank?

He will have the answer by finding himself in turn across the knees then to taste the belt. 

Mettre la table, et surtout laver la vaisselle sont deux verbes qui n’enthousiasme pas notre ami Karim au point de recevoir une fessée pour désobéissance mais aussi par un invité qui tente,

pour en avoir été le témoin, de le fesser pour encourager Karim.

 Mais Justin a le droit de fesser ? Il aura la réponse en se trouvant à son tour en travers des genoux puis de gouter à la ceinture. 


French Male Spanking 

Saturday, July 2, 2022


The game is over, but these guys have enjoyed the game too much and are discovered jerking off and drinking beer.

They receive a humiliating spanking on their especially exposed asses. It's the perfect excuse for the game owner to have fun with Alex and Pablo's asses

El juego terminó, pero estos muchachos han disfrutado demasiado el juego y son descubiertos masturbándose y bebiendo cerveza.

Reciben una humillante paliza en sus culos especialmente expuestos. Es la excusa perfecta para que el dueño del juego se divierta con los culos de Alex y Pablo

游戏已经完结了, 但两名男生太享受了所以被发现一起在撸管和喝啤酒. 他们暴露的屁股遭到了羞辱的惩罚 --- 一个让游戏拥有人享用艾力克斯及巴勃罗的屁股的借口"


The game is over, but these guys have enjoyed the game too much and are discovered jerking off and drinking beer.

They receive a humiliating spanking on their especially exposed asses. It's the perfect excuse for the game owner to have fun with Alex and Pablo's asses

El juego terminó, pero estos muchachos han disfrutado demasiado el juego y son descubiertos masturbándose y bebiendo cerveza.

Reciben una humillante paliza en sus culos especialmente expuestos. Es la excusa perfecta para que el dueño del juego se divierta con los culos de Alex y Pablo

游戏已经完结了, 但两名男生太享受了所以被发现一起在撸管和喝啤酒. 他们暴露的屁股遭到了羞辱的惩罚 --- 一个让游戏拥有人享用艾力克斯及巴勃罗的屁股的借口"

Kinky Callum 12K (Patreon $5/£4.50)