Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Saggers and Straps Reborn

Saggers and Straps Reborn 

More than a couple years ago, I owned a google+ page called Daddy's Playhouse. On that page I covered alot of spankable booty boys from saggers and straps. 

I was sitting back today and the name came across my mind so I decided to look them up and see how things were going.  

Happily I came across them on Facebook and they are doing better than ever. 

So many spankable boys from " Daddy's Hood" that is just asking to be spanked in more ways than one. 

Honestly,  I'm glad to that they are still moving and grooving, bending and sagging.. 

This page does not discriminate,  they have all size spankable booty boys.. and yet all so yearning to get there just deserve. 

When you log onto Facebook, stop pass

 " Saggers and Straps Reborn" 

It will be sight that has your mind going in all spanking category of ways.. 

Saggers and Straps Reborn

Saggers and Straps Reborn 

More than a couple years ago, I owned a google+ page called Daddy's Playhouse. On that page I covered alot of spankable booty boys from saggers and straps. 

I was sitting back today and the name came across my mind so I decided to look them up and see how things were going.  

Happily I came across them on Facebook and they are doing better than ever. 

So many spankable boys from " Daddy's Hood" that is just asking to be spanked in more ways than one. 

Honestly,  I'm glad to that they are still moving and grooving, bending and sagging.. 

This page does not discriminate,  they have all size spankable booty boys.. and yet all so yearning to get there just deserve. 

When you log onto Facebook, stop pass

 " Saggers and Straps Reborn" 

It will be sight that has your mind going in all spanking category of ways.. 


Seeing Nick OTK is popular and so many want more of him there.

Here he is wearing shorts and goes over quickly and presents his ass for the spanking to follow.

A good long warm up on the shorts gets things started and that is followed by a good solid set on the briefs.

Grey coloured, they are a nice contrast to the tan of his body.

Then, a bare ass set to end the session and make sure Nick remembers this spanking.

Popular Nick OTK, as often requested.

Meno Maintenance

  All lads need a maintenance spanking from time to time and Meno is no different.  Its been a while since he showed up and of course he has...