Sunday, April 24, 2022

Comme au bon vieux temps

  Those were the days

Yann n’est pas content de son fils et le dispute au téléphone. Mais la manière dont il lui parle ne plait pas, mais pas du tout, à son oncle qui va lui faire savoir.

Il est très étonné du langage cru utilisé et lui assure que s’il était plus jeune il lui aurait mis une bonne fessée !

Yann is not happy with his son and argues with him over the phone. But his way of talking does not please his uncle, not the least bit, and he will let him know.

He is shocked by his bad language and tells him that if he were younger he would spank him!

Mais au fait est-il trop tard pour Yann de recevoir comme au bon vieux temps cette fessée ?

But by the way is it too late for Yann to receive this spanking like in the good old days?

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